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int pascal GetProfileString(char *szApp, char *szKey, char *szDefault, 
                            char *szRetStr, int nSize)

  This function retrieves the string that appears on the right-hand side of
the "szKey=" statement in the MEWEL.INI file.

  szApp is the name of the application.
  szKey is the name of the key.
  szDefault is the default string which will be copied into szRetStr in the
            event that the key or application name was not located in the
            MEWEL.INI file.
  szRetStr is the user-provided buffer in which the retrieved string will be
           copied into.
  nSize is the maximum number of bytes to place into szRetStr. The
        application must insure that szRetStr has enough space allocated to
        hold the result.

  The number of characters copied into the buffer.

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